Conference Agenda

A packed agenda covering the key issues in ESG, Impact Investment, Sustainability & Social Value in Residential Markets

8.30am Pre Conference Networking Session
  • Delegates can arrive from 8:30am when an informal breakfast is provided, and a chance to network with other attendees, before the conference starts at 9:30am
9.30am Welcome and Introduction from the Chair
  • The rise of ESG in Society, the property industry & the residential property sectors

Speaker: Dominic Grace (Chair)

9.40am How can the Residential Property Market itself best approach Environmental, Social and Governance issues, to become a diverse, representative, modern & impactful sector?
  • What is the overall role of the Real Estate Industry on Climate Change?
  • How has the approach to ESG from the Residential Property industry evolved?
  • How does the construction and operation of real estate contribute and what are the motivators and capacity for change?
  • How do we find a balance between social value, reduced carbon, but still delivering returns to shareholders and investors?

Speaker: Adam Challis, UK Head of Research & Strategy, JLL

10.00am Legislation for Resi Development Industry – where are we, what is the legislation, and what is next?
  • What are the key dates and targets that the industry needs to meet in the coming years?
  • How are factors such as political will, legislation and certifications, including those in the financial markets which fund the industry, changing how we do things?
  • What is the impact of the residential sector on carbon emissions and what steps can be taken by participants to improve this on a strategic level?

Speaker: Sarah Walker, Partner, Travers Smith

10.20am How can we define, deliver & measure social value?
  • How do we measure the five themes of Social Value – Work, Economy, Community, Planet & Innovation?
  • How can private & public sector organisations in Resi Property devise a strategy that prevents greenwashing and delivers a wide spectrum of social value across it’s business and supply chain?

Speaker: Guy Battle, CEO, Social Value Portal

10.40am Questions for Adam, Sarah & Guy
10.45am Social Impact v Social Value – what does this really mean for the Residential Sector?
  • What is real social impact and is it something that can really be measured?
  • What can be achieved and how can it be delivered?
  • Is it about compliance or real genuine impact?
  • What is the human side of impact?
  • What actually is an impact investment?
  • What makes an investment have genuine social impact value.
  • What kind of Residential Investments work best and what sort of strategy and targets should be set?
  • How are investments in Build to Rent, Student Housing, Retirement Living and Affordable Housing viewed, when it comes to Social Impact?
  • What measures and processes do investors now have in place when considering investments and what are they looking for?
  • How can investors deliver an investment that has real, measurable social impact, and still achieves the required returns?

Speakers: Alexandra Notay, Placemaking and Investment Director, Thriving Investments (Panel Chair),
Jonathan Martin, Director of Inward Investment, London Borough of Waltham Forest,
Niamh Waldron, ESG Director, Sigma Capital,
Drew Ritchie, Investment Director, Big Society Capital,
Sarah Forster, CEO, The Good Economy

11.20am Networking Coffee Break
11.50pm How can we retrofit residential buildings to reduce the carbon footprint?
  • What methods can be used?
  • What can we learn from other sectors?
  • How can we calculate when to refurbish, and when to demolish?
  • How important is embodied carbon when making this decision?

Speaker: Sara Edmonds, National Retrofit Hub

12.10pm Understanding Embodied carbon and whole life carbon emissions
  • How can we measure embodied carbon and make reasonable decision about whether to demolish or refurbish?
  • How can the residential construction industry embrace the circular economy, reuse materials and reduce waste?
  • What is the potential of this approach?

Speaker: Duncan Baker Brown, Director, Baker Brown Architects

12.30pm Questions for Sara and Duncan
12.40pm Case Study Sessions of Real Social Impact – what does impact really mean on the ground and for the people it affects?
  • The aim of this conference is to understand ESG strategies and this session allows us some context on how the industry can have a positive effect or real peoples lives.
  • Niamh Waldron, ESG Director, Sigma Capital (panel chair)
  • Abode Impact – Wheelchair Accessible Properties
  • Eleanor Bowden, Founder of Abode Impact
  • Speed of Sight – Driving experiences which change lives for differently-abled people of all ages
  • Mike Newman, CEO, Speed of Sight & his guide dog Stan
  • Embassy Village – Manchester based charity that helps people break the cycle of homelessness
  • Sid Williams, Co-Founder & Director, Embassy
1.15pm Networking Lunch Session for Speakers & Attendees
2.20pm Operational Residential Real Estate Panel – ESG at the forefront of Management
  • How can an operation be more ethically and environmentally conscious?
  • Reducing operational carbon – how can this be achieved and what measures are we seeing?
  • How can operators take a more holistic approach to the mental and physical wellbeing of their residents?
  • What measures can be put in place to support residents in their working lives?
  • How can a strong social and activities programme improve the overall community?
  • How does a good approach to ESG futureproof the value of a brand, investment and lead to higher rates of customer retention?
  • What are the current examples of best practice?
  • Where does technology fit in and how can this deliver key information?
  • How can we get to net zero and what is the effect on the overall operational costs of the necessary measures?

Speakers: Jordan Relfe, Co-Founder, LifeProven,
Daniel Smith, Co- Founder, Good Management Group,
Muir Baxter-Yiannou, Sales Director, Utopi,
Clare Masters, Head of Sustainability, Quintain,
Dominic Grace (Chair)

2.55pm How can those in the Residential Construction Industry adapt to ensure they have the correct skillsets, supply chains and personnel moving forward to deal with Climate Change?
  • What should leading companies in the industry now be doing to mitigate future risk, make the most of the opportunity, and get the right processes in place to deliver what they need to?
  • Where is the most carbon wasted in construction and how can this be addressed?
  • Is Innovation in Construction & MMC the solution to low carbon & zero carbon building?
  • How can the industry transition from traditional construction to a more innovative approach?
  • How does this affect budgets and timeframes and what technology is available?
  • How can a zero carbon home really be achieved without offsetting anything?
  • How can a developer best approach low carbon housing delivery?
  • What can we learn from other countries and other industries?

Speakers: Ele George, Founder, Elevate (Panel Chair),
Jon Di-Stefano, CEO, Greencore Homes,
Olaide Oboh, Director, Socius,
Elisabetta Li Destri Nicosia, Director – Sustainability & ESG, Amro Partners

3.30pm The Future of the Residential Development Industry – how can we modernise what we are about? How can the sector evolve into a modern, diverse environment, which engages with communities and attracts the leading talent?
  • How can developers better engage with the communities around them when delivering a scheme and how can they demonstrate their social credentials, to make a real impact?
  • How can we attract a more diverse and representative workforce which better reflects the wide range of customers?
  • How can we engage better with younger people and attract a wider range of skillsets and people into the industry as a whole?
  • How can we make the building industry more attractive and accessible to the general?
  • Will we ever be able to get a wider, more representative section of society to engage more with the

Speakers: planning sector and have a say about what is delivered around them?,
Rita Patel Miller, Head of Social Value, Mace,
Pete Gladwell, Group Social Impact & Investment Director, Legal & General,
Ellie Jenkins, Partner, Akerlof,
Amit Oberoi, Executive Chairman, The Considerate Constructors Scheme,
Dominic Grace (Chair)

4.05pm Closing remarks for the Chair
4.10pm Conference Close and Networking Drinks